Introducing The Power of She

If you follow me on Twitter (@shawnmoxie), you already know I enjoy reading and sharing content about women in business. As a woman, entrepreneur, mentor, leader and business owner, these issues are near and dear to my heart.

While some of these articles share stories of inspiration, all too many of them tend to paint a picture of doom and gloom, sharing depressing statistics about the state of women in business and leadership. For example, a recent Fast Company article compared the strong female leads in Star Wars’ “galaxy far, far away” to the state of women here in our world and found some disheartening facts:

·      Only five major tech firms are headed by women.

·      There are only 21 female CEOs in the entire Fortune 500.

·      Only 15 percent of the companies who received venture capital funding between 2011 and 2013 had women on their executive teams, and only 2.7 percent of the funded companies had a woman CEO.

·      The share of new entrepreneurs who are women dropped from 43.7 percent in 1996 to 36.8 percent in 2014.

While those statistics are not necessarily surprising, they are definitely depressing and are in no way inspiring. While entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart, I know that there has to be a better way to inspire and support women entrepreneurs. They do exist!

I think one of the best ways to inspire women considering entrepreneurship is to share stories of women who have already blazed that trail and not only survived, but succeeded. I have been well aware of the lack of women in leadership in the B2B tech industry; In my 13 years here at Crossroads and my 20+ years working in this industry, I have had very few opportunities to work with other women entrepreneurs. However, I knew they existed, so I set out to find them and to share their stories with you.

Introducing The Power of She

I am excited to introduce a new series on the Crossroads blog called The Power of She. This series will be dedicated to featuring women entrepreneurs and leaders. I wanted to create a platform to help readers better understand the unique challenges that women entrepreneurs face, the opportunities they have created and the lessons they can share with other women who are interested in following the same path.

Connecting with and learning about so many amazing, strong, smart women has inspired and motivated me, which is a great way to start the new year. Whether you are female or male, a seasoned business veteran or an emerging entrepreneur, I think we can all learn something from these women and their stories. I hope you feel the same way.

If you know an amazing woman entrepreneur who you think I should consider for this series, please drop me an email.  



The Power of She: Melissa Kennedy, Founder of 48 Innovate